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   日期:2024-11-10     移动:http://dh99988.xhstdz.com/mobile/quote/71345.html




 新质生产力 New Productivity Boosters 

Xi stressed that it is necessary to foster strategic emerging industries including new energy, new materials, advanced manufacturing and electronic information, and nurture industries of the future, in a bid to create new productivity boosters and new growth impetus.

2023年9月,总书记在黑龙江考察调研期间提出:“积极培育新能源、新材料、先进制造、电子信息等战略性新兴产业,积极培育未来产业,加快形成新质生产力,增强发展新动能。” 随即“新质生产力”传播开来。

The "new productivity boosters" represents a leap in productivity, which is the productivity in scientific and technological innovation plays a leading role, which is the productivity that gets rid of the traditional growth path and meets the requirements of high-quality development, and which is the productivity that is more integrated and embodies new connotations in the digital era.



 双向奔赴 Reaching Out to Each Othe

This word must be seen often. It originally refers to the parties concerned towards a common goal, work together, close to each other. It is mostly used between people, expressing the good wishes of people to love each other and be close to each other.


In the Speech by H.E. Xi Jinping President At welcome dinner by friendly organizations in the United States San Francisco, November 15, 2023, he said that it is the convergence of many streams of goodwill and friendship that has created a strong current surging across the vast Pacific Ocean; it is the reaching out to each other by our peoples that has time and again brought China-U.S. relations from a low ebb back onto the right track.


From being used for individuals to being used for the country, the scope of use of "Two-Way Running Toward" has been extended and the value connotation has been enriched and sublimated.



 人工智能大模型Large-Scale AI Models 



In the field of artificial intelligence, large-scale AI models is a machine learning model with ultra-large-scale parameters and super computational resources, which can process massive data and complete various complex tasks, such as natural language processing and image recognition. With the continuous improvement of computer hardware performance and the rapid optimisation of deep learning algorithms, the development of large-scale AI models is developing rapidly.


 村超 Village Super League 

On May 13, 2023, the first game of Village Super League contested by 20tems of villagers in Guizhou province has kicked off and attracted thousands of audience. Cun Chao is abbreviated from "Village Super League".



  特种兵式旅游 "Military-Style" Travel 

文化和旅游消费持续复苏回暖,“特种兵式旅游”火遍全网。this new kind of tourism features visiting multiple scenic interests in a short, intense period, most often on weekends. 这种新型旅游方式,核心要义是用尽可能少的成本享受尽可能多的旅游资源。


 显眼包  Goof/Class clown 

A goof/class clown" is a person whose outward appearance or character traits are noteworthy. Nowadays,the reason for calling someone an "goof/class clown" is that he or she has an inner energy that is cute, funny and creates a cheerful atmosphere. The current popularity of the "goof/class clown" for being different is a recognition of the need for individuality and diversity of expression.



 搭子  Pal  


Pal refers to a casual friendship and usually has a certain aspect of the same or a certain kind of interest. Although they are not intimate friends,they do offer a relationship that people are eager to have. It reflects a new type of social relationship and"fast food" social interaction.



 多巴胺×× e.g. Dopamine Dressing

Dopamine is a chemical messenger in the brain that reinforces behaviors that make you feel good. That’s why it’s often called the “feel-good” hormone—it’s released when you’re doing something enjoyable and also gives you a sense of pleasure.


This year's popular "Dopamine Dressing" has changed the past exquisite elegance and simple low-key style, with bold and vibrant outfit, colorful bright collocation to create a pleasant experience.



  情绪价值Emotional Value

Today's popular "emotional value" is a description of interpersonal relationships that refers to a person's ability to influence the emotions of others. The popularity of this term reflects the higher psychological demand for a better life in modern society.




 Doubting xx; Comprehend xx; Becoming xx 


In a particular stages of life, "doubting, comprehending, becoming" is the a dynamic psychological process, but also a necessary stage of mental growth and maturity.


The editorial board of Yao Wen Jiao Zi also pointed out that compared with previous years, the top ten keywords in 2023 reflect the social life, highlight the linguistic creativity and also reflect the era characteristics of the booming of short videos.


文案图片参考来源:咬文嚼字新浪微博、China Daily、网络


播音:向   璐

排版:冯   鑫

审校:李   珺

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