国家语委语料库(American Natio
nal Corpus)
The co
nstruction of the Natio
nal Committee of major scientific research projects - the fifteen modern Chinese corpus and deep processing
American Natio
nal Corpus of scientific research achievements.
Laboratory of computatio
nal linguistics, Institute of linguistics and language applications, Ministry of Education
First, the natio
nal language of modern Chinese corpus is introduced
A corpus is a corpus of language materials that are stored in a computer and that can be retrieved, searched, and analyzed by a computer. ba
The corpus ba
sed analysis method is an im
portant complement to the traditio
nal rule-ba
sed analysis language approach. Corpus possesses
The two characteristics of mass and reality are, therefore, the most ideal language knowledge resources that serve language directly
Basic engineering in the field of information processing. Over the past decade or so, the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Japan and other countries have invested heavily in co
Large corpora have been established, such as the British Natio
nal Corpus BNC. Our country has been working in the state language since 1990
Chaired by the committee, experts and scholars in the field of linguistics and computer science organized a large natio
nal corpus, namely, the state
A corpus of modern Chinese language.
The modern Chinese corpus of the natio
nal language committee is a large general corpus in language information processing and language
Language standards and standards, language and language academic research, language education and social application of language and literature as the main service
Standard. The natio
nal language of modern Chinese corpus as a Natio
nal Corpus, in the development of technology has brought the internatio
nal Chinese Corpus System
The first level is authoritative in the reliability and accuracy of the corpus. The modern Chinese corpus of Natio
nal Committee for domestic and international